90/10 Split on their Pro+ Accounts
80/20 Split on Pro Accounts
Same Day Payouts
5 Days to pass evaluation
No Scaling or Failing by Going Over Contract Size
End of Day Drawdown on Evaluations
Trailing Drawdown on Funded Accounts
No Tier 1 News Trading
No Total Cap on Maximum Payout
No Consistency Rule on Funded Accounts
Trade With Multiple Accounts up to 5 max
Frequent Discounts Available
$0.25 micro commission
Personal Opinion:
This is my new top choice for funding companies. Their website is top notch, live customer service is excellent. The rules are simple and clear. You can average into positions. The overall cost is lower than other firms and you can request and receive a payout anytime.
They also are the ONLY firm that offers $0.25 commission on micros each way or $2.50 on a E-mini contract. There is not micro cost premium. This is a huge edge.
Connections Available: Rithmic and CQG
MES/MNQ = $0.25
ES/NQ = $2.50
Receive 100% of the first $25,000 per Account and 90% Beyond That
Two Payouts per Month
1 Day to pass evaluation
No Scaling or Failing by Going Over Contract Size
No Daily Drawdowns
Trade Your Normal Day to Day Strategy or System During The News
No Total Cap on Maximum Payout after 4 payouts
Real-Time Data Included
Trade With Multiple Accounts up to 20 max
Frequent Discounts Available
No averaging into positions (Dollar Cost Averaging)
Personal Opinion:
This was at one time the top funded futures trading firm. They have recently been encountering growing pains and heightened enforcement of rules. They do not let you average into positions and have some rules that maybe hard to follow for some. They recently have had a lot of technical issues which has caused a lot of problems for some traders.
Connections Available: Rithmic and Tradovate
Commission Rithmic:
MES/MNQ = $0.51
ES/NQ = $1.99
Commission Tradeovate:
MES/MNQ = $0.51
ES/NQ = $1.50
Get Maverick’s free eBook on how to become a funded futures trader.
In this introductory eBook, Maverick will provide a overview of futures trading, tips and tricks on how to pass your prop firm trading evaluation and become a funded futures trader.
Risk Disclosure: Futures trading carries significant risk and may not be suitable for all. There is a possibility of losing all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital refers to funds that can be lost without compromising one’s financial security or lifestyle. Trading should only be conducted with risk capital, and only individuals with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
Past performance Disclosure: Past performance results have inherent limitations, which are outlined below. It should not be assumed that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. In reality, there can be significant differences between past performance results and the actual results achieved by a specific trading program. Moreover, no past performance can fully account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading. Factors such as the ability to withstand losses or adhere to a particular trading program despite experiencing trading losses are important considerations that can affect actual trading results. There are various other market-related factors and the implementation of specific trading programs that cannot be entirely considered in the preparation of past performance results, all of which can impact trading outcomes adversely.
Affiliate Disclosure: The external links found on my website and in the descriptions of my videos primarily serve as affiliate links. This means that I earn a commission from the trader evaluation companies and software companies when individuals visiting these links make a purchase. However, it is important to note that I only recommend companies and software that I personally use and genuinely endorse. For a comprehensive understanding of my affiliate disclosure, please refer to the complete set of disclosures available in the footer.
Testimonials Disclosure: Testimonials appearing on this website may not be representative of other clients or customers and is not a guarantee of future performance or success.
Live Trading Room Disclosure: This presentation is for
educational purposes only and the opinions expressed are those of the presenter
only. All trades presented should be considered hypothetical and should not be
expected to be replicated in a live trading account.
E-Mini Maverick is a real-time futures trading and education community, specializing in the S&P 500 and Nasdaq E-mini Futures contracts.
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